jueves, 2 de enero de 2014

2014 - Año Internacional de la Cristalografía

El Año Internacional de la Cristalografía

El mundo de los cristales es, como todo el universo, bello, y sin duda alguna, es de una belleza que fácilmente se entiende, que atrae nuestra atención y que entra por nuestros ojos. Esta belleza atrajo a un número de curiosos e investigadores de todos los tiempos, cautivados por la contemplación de minerales cristalizados. Esta fascinación les llevó a tratar de comprender qué tipo de orden es necesario para que un cristal tenga existencia; de este estudio nació en el transcurso de los tiempos una ciencia basada en elestudio del orden y de la simetría, la Cristalografía, ciencia que se dedica al estudio de las estructuras cristalinas y las propiedades, a veces mágicas de cristales.
La Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas proclamó 2014 Año Internacional de la Cristalografía , IYCr2014, conmemorando de esta manera, no solo el centenario de la difracción de rayos X como herramienta para el estudio de la materia cristalina, sino también el 400 aniversario de la observación de simetría en los cristales de hielo (Kepler,1611), que dio comienzo al estudio profundo de la simetría en los materiales. Entre otros puntos, la resolución reconoce que la comprensión material de nuestro mundo se debe en particular a esta ciencia y subraya que la enseñanza y aplicación de la misma es fundamental para hacer frente a múltiples desafíos esenciales para el desarrollo de la humanidad

Año Internacional de la Cristalografía - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

La Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas decide proclamar 2014 Año Internacional de la Cristalografía.
El 3 de julio de 2012 la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas en la Resolución 66/284 decide proclamar 2014 Año Internacional de la Cristalografía.1
Destacando que la educación en materia de cristalografía y su aplicación son fundamentales para hacer frente a desafíos como las enfermedades y los problemas ambientales, ya que determinan las estructuras proteicas y de moléculas pequeñas utilizadas en el diseño de medicamentos esenciales para la medicina y la salud pública, así como las soluciones para la contaminación de las plantas y del suelo.
La Asamblea General decide declarar el 2014 Año Internacional de la Cristalografía.
20 de enero, 2014 — La ONU lanzó hoy el Año Internacional de la Cristalografía, con el objetivo de generar más conciencia en torno al potencial de esta disciplina científica que ha permitido descubrir la estructura del ADN, entre otros logros.
La proclamación de este año tuvo lugar durante un evento celebrado hoy en la sede de la UNESCO en París.
La UNESCO será precisamente la encargada de coordinar los eventos relativos a esta conmemoración y de resaltar su importancia en la agenda de desarrollo post-2015 para abordar el hambre, la disponibilidad de agua potable, la atención a la salud, la energía sostenible y la recuperación del medio ambiente, entre otros desafíos.
Ese Organismo destacó las numerosas aplicaciones que tiene la cristalografía en la vida cotidiana y su uso en el sector industrial para el desarrollo de nuevos productos.
También se emplea en la agronomía, la aeronáutica, los automóviles, cosméticos, fármacos y computadoras.
Además de facilitar el descubrimiento de la estructura del ADN, la cristalografía permite fabricar las memorias de las computadoras y ayuda a los científicos a diseñar potentes medicamentos.

Como parte de las actividades para generar más entendimiento sobre esa ciencia, la UNESCO ha puesto en marcha un concurso de crecimiento de cristales, dirigido a las escuelas secundarias en todo el mundo.
 El Secretario General Ban Ki-moon, en el lanzamiento del Año Internacional de Cristalografía 2014. 
[PDF] Mensaje del Secretario General con motivo del Año ... Page 1. Mensaje del Secretario General con motivo del Año Internacional de la Cristalografía 20 de enero de 2014

International Year of Crystallography

Bienvenido al maravilloso mundo de los cristales. 1:24

 Capitulo 3 Cristales Gigantes
 Los griegos llamaron cristal al cuarzo, κρνσταλλοσ (cristallos = frío + goteo), es decir, carámbanos de extraordinaria dureza y muy fríos. Pero la formación de cristales no es exclusiva de los minerales, y los encontramos también (aunque no necesariamente de modo natural) en los compuestos llamados orgánicos, e incluso en los ácidos nucléicos, en las proteínas, en los virus...
El estado cristalino de la materia es el de mayor orden, es decir, es aquel en donde las correlaciones internas son mayores y a mayor rango de distancias. Y esto se refleja en sus propiedades que son anisotrópicas y discontínuas. Suelen aparecer como entidades puras, homogéneas y con formas geométricas definidas (hábitos) cuando están bien formados. Sin embargo, aquí una vez más, "el hábito no hace al monje" y su morfología externa no es suficiente para evaluar la denominada cristalinidad de un material.

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2014 - Año Internacional de la Cristalografía

 The UN adopted the resolution that 2014 should be the International Year of Crystallography at the Sixty-Sixth General Assembly on 3 July 2012

   The book 50 Years of X-ray Diffraction is available online.

Educational resources
This new section of the IUCr web site provides material of use to classroom educators, and links to external web sites of educational value.
Educational web sites and resources of interest
Aperiodic crystallography
QuasiTiler 3.0, Geometry Center, University of Minnesota. QuasiTiler draws Penrose tilings and their generalizations.
Biological structures
Integrating biocrystallography into traditional biology and chemistry curricula, M. Jaskólski. J. Appl. Cryst. (2001). 34, 371-374 New academic courses for teaching protein crystallography to biology and chemistry students have been developed. They include model-building exercises using adapted general-purpose kits and application of Web tools for practical classes and for conducting educational/examination quizzes.
Advanced Certificate in Protein Crystallography on the Web, Dept. Crystallography, Birkbeck College, University of London.
The Principles of Protein Crystallography on the Web, Dept. Crystallography, Birkbeck College, University of London.
Crystal growth
Growing Crystals, P. D. Boyle. Growing Crystals That Will Make Your Crystallographer Happy
Crystallographic CourseWare, M. E. Kastner. Instructions on growing single crystals, symmetry elements, plane groups, unit cell and asymmetric units, and reading the International Tables of Crystallography
Growing Crystalline Trees, Harry Bhadeshia, University of Cambridge.
Crystal structure analysis
Internet Course: Structure Determination by Powder Diffractometry (SDPD), Universite du Maine, France. Learn how to determine a crystal structure from powder diffraction data with experts help
Difference Patterson Tutorial, C. Brenner. PR 613: Protein Structure and Function - Structural Biology I
XRayView, G. N. Phillips Lab, supported by W. M. Keck Foundation. a Teaching Aid for X-ray Crystallography
Various teaching material prepared by A. D. Hunter, A. D. Hunter. Includes a student friendly lab manual on using the SHELXTL (and to a lesser extent SHELX) package of single-crystal programs to solve routine crystal structures. Also available at http://www.as.ysu.edu/~adhunter/YSUSC/index.html
Webmineral, David Barthelmy. A mineralogical database and also a basic course on crystallography
Practical Guide to Solving Single Crystal Structures, Manuel A. Fernandes. Guide to solving crystal structures using WinGX together with other well know crystallographic packages such as Platon and Mercury
Crystals and their structures
Escher Web Sketch, Nicolas Schoeni, Wes Hardaker and Gervais Chapuis. Escher Web Sketch allows you to draw repeating patterns
Introduction to the symmetry of polyhedra, Nicolas Schoeni and Gervais Chapuis.
Atomic packing and Crystal Structure Tutorial, Birkbeck College, University of London and BCA. This software is a single user interactive package which teaches the principles of the atomic packing of spheres and shows how this is related to crystal structure
Basic Crystallography Diagrams, B. Craig Taverner.
Crystallographic Topology 101, C. K. Johnson. The Topology of Crystallographic Groups and Simple Crystal Structures
CrystalOgraph, Nicolas Schoeni and Gervais Chapuis. An interactive applet for drawing crystal structures
X-ray Diffraction Simulators: 2D X-ray Diffraction Simulator, Marc De Graef. Program developed at Carnegie Mellon using the cT programming language as an aid to teaching undergraduate courses involving crystallography
X-ray Diffraction Simulators: 3D X-ray Diffraction Simulator, James Cheney and Marc De Graef. Program that can be used as an educational tool and as a real research program
Teaching guide for X-Ray and neutron diffraction, R. B. Neder and Th. Proffen. Pictorial guide to crystal structures and their Fourier transforms useful for teaching diffraction physics
X-ray Anomalous Scattering, Ethan A Merritt. An introductory tutorial to anomalous scattering and a general tool for designing experiments based on anomalous scattering
Optical Transforms, T. R. Welberry. Tool for illustrating a wide variety of diffraction phenomena from Bragg diffraction,through diffuse scattering from disordered and amorphous systems to diffraction from quasicrystals with non-crystallographic symmetry
Cristallographie - Diffraction, J.-P. Lauriat. In French
An introductory exercise in Fourier synthesis and structure-factor calculation for undergraduates, using an EXCEL workbook, M. R. Taylor. J. Appl. Cryst. (2000). 33, 975-976
Crystallization bench, B. Cabric and T. Pavlovic. J. Appl. Cryst. (2000). 33, 387-388
Interactive Web-based tools for an introductory course in crystallography, G. Chapuis and W. Hardaker. J. Appl. Cryst. (1999). 32, 1164-1168
Pepinsky's Machine: an interactive graphics-based Fourier synthesis program with applications in teaching and research, N. M. Glykos. J. Appl. Cryst. (1999). 32, 821-823
Peak Decomposition using Pearson Type VII Function, S. K. Gupta. J. Appl. Cryst. (1998). 31, 474-476
Introduction to crystallography: two-dimensional computer simulations, B. D. Hall and T. Stoto. J. Appl. Cryst. (1998). 31, 477-480
Teaching Diffraction with the Aid of Computer Simulations, R. B. Neder and Th. Proffen. J. Appl. Cryst. (1996). 29, 727-735
Derivation of the rotation matrix in general rectilinear systems by means of vector and matrix formalism, K. Stróz. J. Appl. Cryst. (1996). 29, 736-737
Optimized Schedule for Large Crystallography Meetings, Y. Le Page. J. Appl. Cryst. (1996). 29, 291-295
POLYNET - a teaching program for the plane crystallographic groups, for use on Apple Macintosh computers, S. G. Hoggar. J. Appl. Cryst. (1996). 28, 459
Three-dimensional periodicity and inversion axes in crystals, B. D. Sharma. J. Appl. Cryst. (1995). 28, 223
FOURDEM: a program written as an aid to teaching the elements of Fourier synthesis and other crystallographic concepts, T. R. Welberry and K. Owen. J. Appl. Cryst. (1992). 25, 443-447
Incoherent neutron scattering from multi-element materials, C. J. Glinka. J. Appl. Cryst. (2011). 44, 618-624 The differences and distinguishing characteristics of incoherent scattering vis-à-vis diffuse coherent scattering due to atomic disorder are delineated and demonstrated experimentally.
Mathematical techniques
Worked examples in the Geometry of Crystals, H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia. The book deals with the mathematical crystallography of materials. It is intended for use by students and by anyone interested in phase transformations or interfaces.
Crystallographic Teaching Fourier Map MS Excel Spreadsheets, Max Taylor. This includes Example Notes and spreadsheet for students based around a potassium bicarbonate example.
Pepinsky's Machine, N. M. Glykos. A teaching aid to illustrate the principles and the application of the Fourier series in crystallography
Transformée de Fourier, Y. Epelboin. A theoretical course on the Fourier transform and its computation (In French)
Interactive course on crystallographic calculations (in French), Y. Epelboin. Reciprocal space, distance between planes...
Statistical Descriptors in Crystallography, D. Schwarzenbach et al. Reports of a working group appointed by the IUCr Nomenclature Committee
Powder diffraction
The number of good reflections in a powder pattern, D. S. Sivia. J. Appl. Cryst. (2000). 33, 1295-1301
Advanced Certificate in Powder Diffraction on the Web, Birkbeck College, University of London.
The Rietveld Method, Hugo Rietveld. Rietveld Refinement, Rietveld Analysis, Rietveld Technique, Rietveld Calculation, Rietveld Quantitative Phase Analysis
Escher Web Sketch, W. Hardecker and G. Chapuis. A program for drawing 2D periodic patterns with a web browser.
Discovering Symmetry, Nicolas Schoeni and Gervais Chapuis. An applet to discover the point group symmetry of platonic and other polyhedra
Symétrie des figures périodiques, H. Schenk. Translation in French of a programmed course on periodicity and symmetry
Symmetry and Space Group Tutorial, Jerry P. Jasinski and Bruce M. Foxman.
Symmetry Tutorial, Dean H. Johnston, Otterbein College. Includes a symmetry challenge and symmetry gallery
Space Group Visualizer, Christian Perwass and Eckhard Hitzer. Software that visualizes all 230 space groups in 3D

3:26 X-Ray Crystallography - Running a Sample  de Finn Burrow
A quick run through on how to prepare a crystal for X-Ray Crystallography. 
1:00:57  Crystallography 7 (2013) Reciprocal Lattice de bhadeshia123
Slide presentation can be downloaded from:  http://www.msm.cam.ac.uk/phase-trans/...
Lecture by Professor H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia at POSTECH, Republic of Korea

  47:03 Crystallography 8, Deformation, Texture 2013  de bhadeshia123 588 reproducciones

Slide presentation can be downloaded from:

  45:14 Crystallography 9, Interfaces (2013)
de bhadeshia123 307 reproducciones
Slide presentation can be downloaded from:

  49:36 Crystallography 10, Metric tensor (2013)
de bhadeshia123 315 reproducciones
Slide presentation can be downloaded from:

  47:21 Crystallography 11, Affine deformations 2013
de bhadeshia123 267 reproducciones
Slide presentation can be downloaded from:

  42:34 Crystallography 12, Affine deformations, 2013
de bhadeshia123 196 reproducciones
Slide presentation can be downloaded from:

  54:28 Crystallography 13, TRIP and TWIP steels (2013)
de bhadeshia123 511 reproducciones
Slide presentation can be downloaded from:

Miniatura 47:06 9

Crystallography 14, Displacive transformations (2013)

de bhadeshia123 914 reproducciones

Slide presentation can be downloaded from:

Miniatura 44:14 10

Crystallography 15, Complete Martensite (2013)

de bhadeshia123 372 reproducciones

Slide presentation can be downloaded from:

Miniatura 41:03 11

Crystallography 6 (2013) Space Groups

de bhadeshia123 1.454 reproducciones

Slide presentation can be downloaded from:

Miniatura 39:53 12

Crystallography 5 (2013) Stereograms

de bhadeshia123 601 reproducciones

Slide presentation can be downloaded from:

Miniatura 45:34 13

Crystallography 4 (2013) Stereograms

de bhadeshia123 1.458 reproducciones

Slide presentation can be downloaded from:

Miniatura 52:14 14

Crystallography 3 (2013) Interstitials

de bhadeshia123 1.106 reproducciones

Slide presentation can be downloaded from:

Miniatura 56:06 15

Crystallography 2 (2013) Structures

de bhadeshia123 2.316 reproducciones

Use with slide presentation downloaded from:

Miniatura 56:03 16

Crystallography 1 (2013) Introduction

de bhadeshia123 5.179 reproducciones

Use with slide presentation downloaded from:

Miniatura 7:13 17

crystallographic directions

de Linda Vanasupa 24.186 reproducciones

Tutorial on how to sketch the crystallographic direction vector when given the Miller indices of the direction vector.

Miniatura 4:31 18

Directions in Crystals

de LearnChemE 16.912 reproducciones

The indices for directions in a crystal are determined. Made by faculty at the University of Colorado Boulder Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering…

Miniatura 2:27 19

X-Ray Crystallography - The Basics

de Finn Burrow 5.532 reproducciones

Introductory video to the theory behind how X-Ray Crystallography works and why we use X-Ray Crystallography.

Miniatura 3:06 20

Celebrating Crystallography - An animated adventure

de The Royal Institution 28.328 reproducciones

New: Now with French subtitles…

Miniatura 1:02 21

How-to: Display hydrogen-bonding graph sets in Mercury

de CCDCCambridge 293 reproducciones

A 'how-to' video on displaying hydrogen-bonding graph sets using Mercury…

Miniatura 7:17 22

Teaching: Electrophilic Addition Tutorial

de CCDCCambridge 285 reproducciones

Using 3D crystal structures to teach chemistry.

Miniatura 9:41 23

Teaching: VSEPR Tutorial

de CCDCCambridge 722 reproducciones

Using 3D crystal structures to teach chemistry.

Miniatura 1:14 24

How-to: Calculate the centroid of a functional group using Mercury

de CCDCCambridge 388 reproducciones

A 'how to' video on calculating the centroid of functional structure using Mercury.…

Miniatura 1:41 25

How-to: Visualise the void space in a structure using Mercury

de CCDCCambridge 647 reproducciones

A 'how to' video on visualising the void space in a structure using Mercury.…

Miniatura 0:52 26

How-to: Visualise crystal morphology using Mercury

de CCDCCambridge 637 reproducciones

A 'how-to' video on visualising crystal morphology using Mercury.…

Miniatura 1:23 27

How-to: Use lasso to select atoms in Mercury

de CCDCCambridge 217 reproducciones

A 'how-to' video on using the Lasso Select in Mercury…

Miniatura 26:15 28

Solid Form Suite Webinar #1: Managing Risk and Improving Quality with Solid Form Informatics

de CCDCCambridge 288 reproducciones

The CSD Solid Form Suite provides knowledge-based informatics tools for improving effectiveness, quality and risk assessment in the development of solid formulations of drugs, agrochemicals and molecular materials. …

Miniatura 26:45 29

Solid Form Suite Webinar #2: Solid Form Design in the Pharmaceutical Industry

de CCDCCambridge 396 reproducciones

The CSD Solid Form Suite provides knowledge-based informatics tools for improving effectiveness, quality and risk assessment in the development of solid formulations of drugs, agrochemicals and molecular materials. …

Miniatura 32:40 30

Solid Form Suite Webinar #3: Assessing polymorphism

de CCDCCambridge 340 reproducciones

The CSD Solid Form Suite provides knowledge-based informatics tools for improving effectiveness, quality and risk assessment in the development of solid formulations of drugs, agrochemicals and molecular materials. …

Miniatura 14:48 31

Intro to: IsoStar - exploring intermolecular interactions

de CCDCCambridge 312 reproducciones

IsoStar is a knowledge-based library of intermolecular interactions distributed as part of the Cambridge Structural Database System…

Miniatura 23:08 32

Intro to: ConQuest and Mercury

de CCDCCambridge 407 reproducciones

ConQuest is the primary program for searching and retrieving information from the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD). ConQuest provides an extensive range of flexible search options enabling you to discover the knowledge …

Miniatura 11:46 33

Intro to: WebCSD

de CCDCCambridge 251 reproducciones

WebCSD provides easy and convenient access to the wealth of structural knowledge contained in the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD).…

Miniatura 6:54 34

Georgina Ferry on X-ray crystallography

de Wellcome Collection 16.133 reproducciones

Georgina Ferry is a freelance science writer, editor and broadcaster. In this video she discusses the fascinating history of X-ray crystallography as well as why it is so important today.…

Miniatura 18:42 35

X-Ray Diffraction

de cmditr 28.708 reproducciones

X-ray diffraction (XRD) is a tool for characterizing arrangement of atoms in crystals and distances between crystal faces. This can be used to identify atoms and the crystalline form.…

Miniatura 1:25 36

International Year of Crystallography

de International Union of Crystallography 6.013 reproducciones

Miniatura 0:13 37

Crystallography: Rhomobohedral lattice. One of the 14 Bravais lattices.

de bhadeshia123 309 reproducciones

Crystallography: Rhomobohedral lattice. One of the 14 Bravais lattices.…

Miniatura 0:21 38

Crystallography: Tetragonal-P lattice. One of the 14 Bravais lattices.

de bhadeshia123 891 reproducciones

Crystallography: primitive tetragonal lattice. One of the 14 Bravais lattices…

Miniatura 0:18 39

Crystallography: Cubic-I lattice. One of the 14 Bravais lattices

de bhadeshia123 747 reproducciones

Crystallography: Cubic-I lattice. One of the 14 Bravais lattices…

Miniatura 0:24 40

Crystallography: Orthorhombic-P lattice. One of the 14 Bravais lattices.

de bhadeshia123 545 reproducciones

Crystallography: Orthorhombic-P lattice. One of the 14 Bravais lattices.…

Miniatura 0:19 41

Crystallography: Tetragonal-I lattice. One of the 14 Bravais lattices.

de bhadeshia123 823 reproducciones

Crystallography: Tetragonal-I (body-centred) lattice. One of the 14 Bravais lattices.…

Miniatura 0:15 42

Crystallography: Hexagonal lattice. One of the 14 Bravais lattices

de bhadeshia123 881 reproducciones

Crystallography: Hexagonal lattice. One of the 14 Bravais lattices…

Miniatura 0:17 43

Crystallography: Monoclinic-P lattice. One of the 14 Bravais lattices

de bhadeshia123 905 reproducciones

Crystallography: Monoclinic-P lattice. One of the 14 Bravais lattice…

Miniatura 0:26 44

Crystallography: Triclinic lattice

de bhadeshia123 899 reproducciones

Crystallography: Triclinic lattice. One of the 14 Bravais lattices.…

Miniatura 0:41 45

Crystallography: Unit cell of cementite (Fe_3C)

de bhadeshia123 624 reproducciones

Unit cell of cementite (Fe_3C). This is an iron carbide extremely common in steels.…

Miniatura 6:59 46

New features & improvements to the Cambridge Structural Database System (CSDS), 2013 release

de CCDCCambridge 154 reproducciones

This video illustrates the new features and improvements in the 2013 release of the Cambridge Structural Database System (CSDS).

Miniatura 4:05 47

Freezing Soap Bubbles, Joplin MO, Jan 6, 2014

de Ace Jackalope 4.992 reproducciones

The segments that make up this video were recorded in Joplin MO, on January 6, 2014 between 8:23 a.m. and 9:24 a.m. The temperature at the beginning was -11 °F; at close it was -8 °F.…

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